Keeping You Safe

The De Pere Health Department inspect restaurants and retail food establishments to make sure our food is safe and to prevent foodborne illness.

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Food Establishment Inspection Reports

De Pere Health Department is pleased to provide access to food establishment inspection reports. Inspection reports are provided to give you easy access to information about establishments

View Inspection Reports 

Understanding Inspection Reports

Inspection reports represent a snapshot of the facility at the time the inspector was present and may not reflect current conditions of the establishment. Operators are required to correct all priority violations at the time of inspection since such violations may present a food safety risk to the public.

Types of Inspections

  • Routine Inspection: Performed at least once a year. These are usually unannounced. A health inspector looks at how food is handled, the temperature of food, and the hygiene and health of employees. Sometimes we schedule inspections to make sure the proper staff will be there.
  • Reinspection: Performed to follow up on health code violations that were found on the routine inspection.

Types of Violations

  • Priority violations: These must be corrected immediately, or within a few days. If not fixed properly, they are more likely to cause foodborne illness. If they cannot be permanently corrected during the inspection, we will do a reinspection.
  • Core violations: Relate to cleaning and maintenance. Some examples are dirty floors and plumbing leaks.
  • Repeat violations: A violation that was seen and documented on previous routine inspection.
  • Corrected Onsite: A violation that was corrected during the routine inspection. A reinspection may still be needed.

Food Code Fact Sheets for Business Owners and Employees

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) provides resources that simplify the legal language found in the Wisconsin Food Code. Anyone with additional questions about the fact sheets or the Wisconsin Food Code can contact De Pere Health Department at

Food Safety Guidelines for Temporary Food Stands and Special Events

When operating a temporary food stand, the operator must follow safe food practices to protect the public. For guidance on how to safely handle food and operate a temporary food stand, please call us or refer to the document below.

Link to the document “Temporary Food Stands – Key Points”

Find more information about Retail Food Establishment Licensing

Food Safety at Home & Work

Get the latest news, alerts, and tips on safely handing and storing food to prevent food poisoning from

Food Recalls

Find the latest information on food recalls from

Contact De Pere Health about Food Safety

De Pere Health Department can answer any questions you may have regarding a food recall and how it affects you or your business. Contacts us at 920-339-4054 or