Historic Preservation Commission
Historic Preservation Commission Background & Purpose
The purpose of the City of De Pere's Historic Preservation Commission is to affect and accomplish the protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use or improvement of sites, which represent or reflect elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political or architectural history. The committee serves to foster civic pride in the notable accomplishments of the past.
The City's Development Services Department serves as a liaison for the Historic Preservation Commission. For more information and contact information for our City departments, please click here.
Meeting Schedule
Meets 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at City Hall, Council Chambers (335 S. Broadway)
Current Members
- Kathy Achten
- Patrick Boyd
- Gene Hackbarth
- Mark Reinhart
- Jane Schueller
- Mary Ann Schumerth
- Alderperson Hansen
Agendas and Information
To view meeting agendas and packets for all boards, committees and commissions in the City of De Pere, please click here.
Historic Districts:
Historic Structures and Sites:
Historic Tax Credit Information:
Architectural and Historic Surveys:
- 2017 De Pere Historical & Architectural Resources Survey
- 2001 De Pere Intensive Survey Report
- 1998 Brown County Historical/Architectural Resources Survey
- 1982 Brown County Intensive Survey of Brown County Industrial Sites
Other Websites: