Sustainability Commission
Sustainability Commission Background & Purpose
The City of De Pere's Sustainability Commission explores sustainability initiatives that can be implemented in De Pere, with the goal of providing a more sustainable, livable, and healthy community.
The City's Public Works Department serves as a liaison for the Sustainability Commission. For more information and contact information for our City departments, please click here.
Meeting Schedule
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm at City Hall, Council Chambers (335 S. Broadway).
Current Members
- Jayne Black
- Emily Henrigillis
- Randall Lawton
- Nicole Slavin
- Carmen Van Schyndel
- Rachel Weber
- Alderperson Quigley
- Anna Metzler-Teen Advisor
- vacant (Teen Advisor*)
Agendas and Information
To view meeting agendas and packets for all boards, committees and commissions in the City of De Pere, please click here.
Current and Adopted Initiatives:
- Farmer's Market Booth**
- Green Tier Legacy Community Participation Resolution; Scoresheet**
- Clean Energy Resolution**
- Renewable Energy Work Plan**
- Plastic Bag Recycling Program with Trex**
- Coal Tar/High PAH Sealant Ban**
- Planned Natural Landscape Ordinance**
- Pollinator Week Proclamation (June 17-23)*Click here to watch the reading
- Bike and Roll to School Day and Pedestrian/Bike Safety
- Wisconsin Stormwater Awareness Week Proclamation (September 21-29)**
- Adopt-a-Drain**
- Clean Air Initiative**
- Composting Services Reimbursement Program**
- Landfill Alternatives
- League of American Bicyclists Certification
- Bird City Wisconsin Community Certification
- Wetland and Paved Surfaces Inventory
*Apply for Sustainability Commission Teen/Student Advisor position
**Initiatives have been approved and adopted by both the Sustainability Commission and City Common Council
City of De Pere’s goal is to conduct our business to reflect both environmental and economically sustainable alternatives in all aspects of our operations, activity and community development. Find out more about the City Hall Green Roof and other sustainable initiatives by staff.