What is De Pere TV?

DPTV is a government access channel as provided for under the Cable Communications Act of 1984, Section 531. DPTV provides City of De Pere information, meetings and educational programming for the citizens of De Pere.

On any given day, viewers may watch the latest City of De Pere public meetings, local educational lectures, educational content about government at local, state and federal levels and health and wellness programming.

DPTV also produces The Mayor's Corner, monthly. This program, hosted by Mayor Boyd, features the inter-workings of the City of De Pere and discussions with experts from various City departments.

DPTV is funded by video service provider state franchise fees and local underwriters. The channel is operated by the City of De Pere out of City Hall.

Mission of De Pere TV

It is the mission of De Pere TV (DPTV) to make local government accessible to the citizens of De Pere. DPTV promotes citizen access and exposure to local government and it furthers government accountability. Finally, DPTV promotes citizen engagement with local government and the community

Broadcast Area

  • Charter Spectrum TV (formerly Time Warner Cable): Channel 4 in De Pere.
  • AT&T U-verse: Channel 99 in the Green Bay-Appleton Designated Market Area.
  • Online

Ways to watch

Curious what happened at the last meeting? The City of De Pere endeavors to maintain openness and transparency in government.  Residents may not always be available to attend public meetings in person.

The main purpose of DPTV is to record and transmit these meetings for the residents, allowing for a variety of viewing opportunities. The most recent meetings are rebroadcast on television. Meetings are also online via the public meetings website and archived there for future viewing.

Meetings are also online and archived via the public meetings website, as well as the City Meetings youtube page

What are PEG channels?

Public, educational, and government (PEG) access channels started around 1970. Cable video service providers needed to build an infrastructure in order to offer their video service to potential clients. The video signal gets transmitted through cables which were installed in the public right of way. The local franchising authority, usually municipalities, negotiated with the video service providers to establish a franchise fee in exchange for their use of the public right of way. Additionally, the local franchising authority could request that the video service provider dedicate channels for locally relevant video transmission.

Public access channels allow for local producers to submit or create their own programming for television broadcast. An example of this would be the Saturday Night Live recurring sketch (and subsequent movies) "Wayne's World" where two friends created their own public access show from their basement.

Educational access channels are used by educational institutions. These channels could be used as an avenue for the students to learn about, produce, and transmit video content, for the institute to broadcast information to students and the community, to transmit school board meetings, and rebroadcast local sporting events.

Government access channels are reserved for use by the local municipality. Coverage of board and committee meetings are commonly transmitted. Content can also include municipal information, reminders and tips for residents, election debates, election night coverage, and emergency information.

Channels can be one, two, or all three of the divisions of PEG.