De Pere Brand Architecture

Beginning in the Fall of 2017, the City of De Pere undertook a planning process to develop a Strategic Vision Plan to guide future decision-making by defining a vision and mission for the city. This vision and mission reflect the character of the community, the values of the residents and workers of De Pere, and the goals for the future. The Vision Statement sets an aspirational goal for where the community wants to move towards, and the Mission Statement defines how the city will achieve the vision. Additionally, a series of goals and strategies support the Vision and Mission Statements, providing more detail and guidance on how to realize the vision.

De Pere logo

The process to develop the vision and mission for the City included significant interactions with the community and a project Steering Committee. This included the following components:

  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Public Open House
  • Online Community Survey
  • Visioning Workshop
  • Presentations to the City Council
  • Monthly Steering Committee Meetings
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (S.W.O.T.) Analysis

This document, the Strategic Vision Plan, collects the final outcomes of the process. As mentioned above, this includes the Vision and Mission Statements, as well as a series of goals and strategies for reaching the established vision. There are four defined goals, with each goal supported by several strategies. For each strategy, this document identifies action items for moving the strategy forward, it also identifies potential metrics the city can track to evaluate the success of the strategy, a timeline for accomplishing the strategy and an estimate of the costs involved with that strategy. Additional imagery is provided to help illustrate some of these strategies.

Strategic Vision Plan document link:


De Pere’s unwavering focus on quality of life will set a national standard for a vibrant community.


De Pere will foster an engaged community spirit and encourage forward

thinking to seize on opportunities for education, business, recreation, and culture — with steadfast support for the city’s history and character.


  • Grow the downtown to provide new commercial, entertainment, cultural, and housing opportunities for De Pere without losing the authentic character the community has built.
  • Encourage the growth of business.
  • Embrace, enhance, connect and activate the open space networks throughout the city.
  • Increase and coordinate unique activities that enliven the city and increase the sense of community.

THE BRAND PROMISE to external audiences:

De Pere is the destination for anyone looking for exceptional opportunities offered by a business-friendly environment, great schools, respect for history, vibrant culture, and recreation — and new ideas.

THE BRAND PROMISE to internal audiences:

De Pere will honor the community spirit, values, and appetite for new ideas that have made us a leader in education, recreation, culture, and a welcoming business climate.


By every important measure — education, culture, recreation, business climate, respect for history — De Pere is a true leader.


Genuine. Down to earth. Forward thinking. Rooted in strong values.

De Pere Runs Deeper