Looking to dispose of extra unused paint? 

If you're looking to dispose of paint in De Pere, there are a few options to help you responsibly discard these items. The first step is to know what type of paint you have (latex, enamel, etc).

Wet paint should not be placed in your curbside collection containers!

Latex Paint:

  1. Unused latex paint should be dried out completely. This could be achieved by adding to an absorbent (cat litter, shredded newspaper, sawdust) or the container could be left open to the air (this works best with small amounts).
  2. The dried material should be placed in the garbage cart. Metal paint containers with trace amounts of dried paint, can be placed in the recycling cart. 
  3. Paint brushes and rollers should be washed in the sink. Do not wash brushes or rollers into storm drains.

Solvent-based (oil) Paint:

  1. Solvent-based (oil) paints should be disposed of as household hazardous waste (Brown County Port & Resource Recovery).
  2. Paint brushes and rollers should be cleaned with paint thinner or turpentine.

Brown County Port & Resource Center

The Brown County Port and Resource Center, 2561 S. Broadway St, operates a product exchange room for materials that you have larger quantities of. This is the same location that solvent-based paints should be disposed at; fees may apply. 

Please click here for details and contact info

Leftover Paint Brochure

Latex Paint Brochure

Wet paint should not be placed in your curbside collection containers! Spill cleanup and/or damage as the result of improperly disposed of substances may be charged back to the appropriate property owner(s).