Frequently Asked Questions (Law Department)
I am a City of De Pere resident and would like some legal advice. May I speak to the City Attorney?
The City Attorney's office does not provide legal advice on private matters. You would need to contact a private attorney or call 1-800-362-9082 for the State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer Referral and Information Service. If you meet certain eligibility requirements regarding your income, you may also be able to utilize Legal Action of Wisconsin. You can reach their Green Bay office at 1-800-236-1127.
I want to sue someone because they did not pay me for work that I did. Can you help me?
As stated above, the City Attorney's office cannot provide legal advice on personal matters. For actions in an amount of $10,000.00 or less, you should contact the appropriate county Clerk of Circuit Court, Small Claims Division. You can contact the Brown County Clerk of Court Small Claims Division by calling 920-448-4160 and press (4).
I am having a dispute with my landlord, can you help?
The City Attorney's office would not be able to help you as this is a private matter. For assistance with this type of situation, you may contact the Consumer Office Hotline at 1-800-422-7128.
I have received a municipal citation in the City of De Pere. What can I do?
If you have a question regarding the citation itself, you can contact the De Pere Police Department at 920-339-4080.
If you have a question regarding what happens in court, you can contact the De Pere Municipal court at 920-339-2463.
If you would like to contest your citation, you may either file a written "not guilty" plea with the De Pere Municipal Court or you may attend the initial appearance, which is the date listed on the citation/ticket.
I need to change my court date (the date listed on my citation). How do I do that?
To request a change in your initial appearance date please contact the De Pere Municipal Court at 920-339-2463.
Where do I pay for my citation or traffic ticket?
You can pay for your ticket at the De Pere City Hall located at 335 South Broadway, De Pere, Wisconsin. If you arrive between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., you can leave your payment at the drop box located inside the first set of Police Department doors. Envelopes are provided for payment for your convenience. If you pay by mail, please do not send cash! You can also pay on-line at or by calling 1-888-604-7888.
Contact Us
De Pere, WI 54115
- Phone: (920) 339-4042
- Fax:
(920) 339-4049 - Staff Directory