Park Shelter Policies
Cost of rental is $73 (Residents) / $93 (Non-Residents) per day (Monday through Thursday), $152 (Residents) / $172 (Non-Residents) per day (Friday through Sunday and Holidays). A $25 security deposit is required for all indoor shelters, which is returned if the shelter is left in good condition. All fees must be paid when reservation is accepted at the Park and Recreation office, 925 S. Sixth St. All fees are non-refundable and are non-transferable. There is no charge for De Pere Service Groups or Youth Organizations (through high school) provided the rental is between Monday and Thursday. Only one free rental is allowed per year per Service Group/Youth Organization.
All shelters are available for reservation when not in conflict with Department sponsored programs. During summer months, indoor shelters are available from 5:00 p.m. on Fridays through 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, or on holidays. Reservations will be taken one year prior to the reservation date. Park Shelters will not be used for vending purposes and will be open to the public at all times when not being rented.
De Pere Municipal Code 30-2 (g) (h) Park Regulations
(g) Beer/wine. Beer/wine may be brought to and consumed in public parks, but the board of park commissioners may restrict parks and areas of parks and set forth times when beer/wine cannot be brought to and consumed in the public parks. The director of parks and recreation may order individual or groups of individuals to discontinue consuming beer/wine in the public park and to remove beer/wine from the public parks if he has good reason to believe that the presence and consumption of beer/wine in the public park is detrimental to the purposes of the public park.
(h) Liquor. No person shall have in his possession any intoxicating liquor in any park without first obtaining official permit from the director of parks and recreation.
Extra equipment (tables, benches, trash cans) may be requested, but not guaranteed, when a reservation is made. Keys will be required for V.F.W., Braisher and Patriot Parks for Closed Shelters/Restrooms. Keys should be picked up at the Municipal Service Center, 925 S. Sixth St., between 6:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 6:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. on Friday, 1-2 days prior to your scheduled event and must be returned the next working day after the scheduled reservation. Glass containers are prohibited. You are only permitted to drive vehicles near shelters to unload and load and for handicapped individuals. When this is completed, the vehicle must be moved back to the parking area. If the turf is too wet, vehicles are not permitted at any time. Outlets cannot support two large appliances, such as a roaster, large coffee pot or microwave. Renters should distribute the appliances to other outlets. The facility is expected to be left in the same condition the renter found it. The renter will be held responsible and billed for any unnecessary clean-up, losses or damages. In addition, a service charge of $25 will be assessed if City personnel are called in to correct any problem created by the renter or if an indoor facility is left unsecured.
Sec. 146-10. Noises created by Human Behavior.
(a) No person may create, assist in creating, permit, continue or permit the continuance of any unreasonably loud, disturbing, or unnecessary noise as may tend to annoy, inconvenience, disturb or cause discomfort to any person, or to the comfortable enjoyment of property. (b) No person occupying or having charge of any building or premises shall cause, suffer or allow any loud, excessive or unusual noise in the operation or use of any sound making or reproducing device so that such loud, excessive or unusual noise disturbs the comfort, quiet or repose of persons therein or in the vicinity.
Renters may install one additional tent no larger than 30’ x 30’ and it must be installed within a 50’ radius of the shelter you have rented. Tents that cover an area in excess of 200 square feet, require an additional tent permit from the building inspection department. The user must follow all recommended guidelines for residential and/or commercial tents, and it must be removed when your rental period ends. A copy of the certificate of insurance and endorsement that adds the city as an additional insured for this activity must be provided by the Parks Department. Note: If you plan to put up a tent which requires any type of stake to be driven into the ground, you must contact Digger’s Hotline at 1-800-242-8511. See back side of this form for tent restrictions. Renters my install one additional tent no larger than 30’ x 30’ and the tent must be installed within a 50’ radius of the shelter you have rented.
Indoor shelter capacities are required due to fire code.
VFW PARK, 730 Grant St., bordered by Grant & Allard Streets.(one indoor shelter - capacity - 55) Key required(two open shelters)
PATRIOT PARK, 1101 Colleen Lane, off Lost Dauphin (one indoor shelter - capacity 36). Key required
LEGION PARK, 1212 Charles St., bordered by Charles, Ontario and Webster Avenue (one open shelter)
BRAISHER PARK, 630 N. Winnebago, between N. Adams and N. Winnebago St. (one indoor shelter - 30) Key required
VOYAGEUR PARK, 100 Williams Street, Corner of Williams and Front St. (two open shelters).
OPTIMIST PARK, 801 Cook St., between S. Broadway and S. Erie St. (one open shelter).
PERKOFSKI BOAT LAUNCH, 1500 Fort Howard Ave., (one open shelter).
To see visuals of our park and shelter rental options, as well as other information on the above facilities, please click here.
Contact Us
De Pere, WI 54115
- Phone: (920) 339-4065
- Fax:
(920) 339-4071 - Staff Directory