The following list contains links to city departments along with their contact information.
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Accurate Appraisal, LLC has been contracted with the City and is responsible for assessing all real and personal property.
City Attorney
The City Attorney is the appointed official who provides legal representation to the City of De Pere as an entity. The City Attorney provides counsel and advisement to the Common Council, general counsel and representation to the City and is responsible for the prosecution of all municipal ordinance violations.
City Clerk
Our office is the legal custodian of official city records and is the filing agency for numerous reports and documents such as oaths, bonds, council nomination papers and candidate financial records. The City Clerk's Office acts as a liaison between the public, city departments, and the Common Council.
City Manager
The City of De Pere operates under a Mayor-Council-City Administrator form of government as provided by State law.
De Pere Sister Cities International
The Sister Cities International program is designed to promote respect, understanding, and cooperation with others around the globe through personal contact.
Development Services
The City is focused on improving the quality of life for its residents and Northeast Wisconsin specifically regarding; Economic Development, GIS, Historic Preservation, Planning, and Redevelopment Authority.
Economic Development
The purpose of the Economic Development division is to promote economic development through the retention and attraction of new businesses to our downtown and our business / industrial parks.
Finance Department
The mission of the Finance Department is to direct the maintenance of the municipal accounting system and the procedures governing receipt and expenditure of municipal funds.
Fire Department
De Pere Fire Rescue is committed to providing a superior level of emergency service that continually improves the quality of life, health and safety of the community we serve.
Health Department
The City of De Pere Health Department serves to protect and promote public health across the lifespan through: education, policy development and valued services.
Human Resources
The mission of the Human Resources Department is to strive to understand the needs and expectations of all employees and provide support systems.
Municipal Court
The De Pere Adult Court is held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and the Juvenile Court is help on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month at 4:30 p.m. David Matyas is the presiding judge and Eric Erdman is the Assistant City Attorney.
Parks, Recreation & Forestry
The department has established a city-wide system of parks, open space and recreational facilities that will provide De Pere residents with recreation and leisure experience on a year-round basis.
Public Works
The Public Works Department is comprised of the Divisions of Engineering, Mechanical, Street and Water.
Contact the City
335 S Broadway
De Pere, WI 54115
De Pere, WI 54115
- Phone: (920) 339-4050
- Fax:
(920) 330-9491 - Staff Directory